
2024年夏季 & 最后期限


Rigby Scholarship Deadline: Friday, 12pm, February 21, 2024

Financial Clearance Deadline: Friday, 12pm, June 1, 2024 


登机手续办理: 2024年6月24日,星期一

登记 & 教材: Monday, 6:30pm, June 24, 2024

课程开始: Tuesday, 8am, June 25, 2024                          

类: Friday, 2pm, August 16, 2024       

通知罗萨里奥行政助理任何需要在这些日期之前或之后到达的必要旅行计划: rosario@nkgx.net

View detailed information about our summer courses.


重要提示:任何计划通过WWU注册参加罗萨里奥夏季课程的非WWU学生, but do NOT plan to enroll at WWU as a student, 在提交罗萨里奥申请后,是否需要为非入学学生填写一份特别申请.

罗萨里奥有限的住房需要限制大多数班级的入学人数, consequently application does not guarantee acceptance.  尽早提交申请可能会增加被录取的可能性(见下文的录取标准)


收到的申请数量通常大于罗萨里奥可以容纳的教室和住房空间的学生数量. Therefore, applicants will be accepted as follows:

General Biology students in the following order:

  • Priority Group #1: 学生 currently enrolled at WWU and teachers.
  • Priority Group #2: 学生 currently enrolled at other institutions.
  • Priority Group #3: Incoming freshmen who have been accepted at WWU.
  • 优先组#4:其他(包括申请只修一到两个季度普通生物学的学生).

Upper-division and 研究生 students in the following order:

  • Priority Group #1: 学生 currently enrolled at WWU and teachers.
  • Priority Group #2: 学生 currently enrolled at other institutions.
  • 优先组#3:其他(包括仅申请选修一门课程且未进行相关研究活动的本科生).

Applications will be held until March 1, at which time they will be prioritized according to the above order. 3月1日之后申请的学生将以“先到先得”的方式申请.

All students must make financial arrangements with the WWU Student Financial Services 办公室 之前 arriving at Rosario Beach. Additional financial information is available in the 暑期项目财务 link. 

单身学生需自付住宿费,并在食堂用餐. 由于医学记录的食物过敏,需要自己准备食物的学生可以例外. 研究生 and married students are not required to pay the housing fee or eat in the cafeteria; however, they may choose to do so.

单身学生将被分配到共用卧室和浴室的同性住房. 已婚学生或有家庭的学生将被分配到单独的船舱. If you have specific roommate preferences please let us know (rosario@nkgx.net).   

教科书 are sold at Rosario and must be paid for with cash, 检查, 或信用卡(Visa), 万事达卡, 或发现). 世界大学学生只有在事先与世界大学学生财务服务办公室作出财务安排后,才可以在自己的账户上收取书籍和用品费用. We cannot charge 书 to accounts for other than WWU students. 对于那些用现金买书的人,在注册时准备好250美元.

开车?  Search Google Maps for "Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory", or use the address, 15510 Rosario Beach Road, Anacortes WA 98221. If you are coming by air, fly into Seattle (SeaTac Airport). We will not be able to pick you up in Seattle (it's a two-hour drive one way from Rosario); you should contact the 机场 Shuttle (www.机场.com/shuttle/),它将带你从西塔克机场到商业大道1312号的“Anacortes Shell”. in Anacortes (only 12 minutes from Rosario). Amtrak and Greyhound can bring you to 105 East Kincaid St. in Mt Vernon, WA (30 minutes from Rosario).  提前给威尼斯人彩票直营发邮件 will help us in arranging to pick you up. 当你在为夏末出发做旅行计划时, be sure to allow sufficient time to finish your last exam, which may not be over until 2:00 p.m. 8月13日星期四.

所有学生在罗萨里奥学习课程或进行研究时都必须有健康保险.  学生有责任获得和维持他们的健康保险. Rosario has no medical clinic or personnel, only Band-Aids. 在当地医疗机构的医疗费用必须由您以私人方式支付. 有关寻找健康保险计划的更多信息,请访问 SFS insurance information page

沃拉沃拉大学 covers all registered under研究生, 研究生, and doctoral students with excess accident insurance with a $5,000年的限制. 学生 injured while on a WWU campus, 在校园自有住房, 或参加校外大学主办的活动(不包括校际体育事故),可以完成一份 Non-Work-Related Accident/Incident Report form 和 A-G Excess Student Accident Claim Form 并提供给 风险 & 安全管理 for authorization prior to filing a claim and submitting to g管理员.

所有在学校自有住房居住或存放物品的居民应强烈考虑个人财产保险,以保护个人物品(自行车), 书, 电脑, 电子产品, 等.)可能因意外、盗窃或其他原因而丢失、损坏和/或毁坏的资料. 沃拉沃拉大学 does not provide insurance to cover a resident’s personal items; this is the responsibility of the resident. 家庭房屋所有者政策可能提供有限的保险或租金保险. 居民的个人财产保险是非常可取的,可以在网上购买象征性的费用(示例如下). 你应该与你的保险代理人核实,并要求一份书面说明,说明你的房主政策包括什么,不包括什么. 您应该验证的一些事情是计算机是否有限制, 电子产品, 或其他类似项目, the coverage limit and deductible amount, 这通常比学生个人财产保险要高得多.

For more information on renter’s insurance for college students, look up "Renters insurance for college students" on naic.org and "Should you buy residence hall insurance" on cosumerreports.com.


Your summer mailing address will be:

Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory
15510 Rosario Beach Road 
Anacortes WA 98221

Message phone: (360) 293-2326

住在罗萨里奥将类似于住在任何大学校园的宿舍, 除了房间比典型的宿舍房间小得多. 学生 (and faculty) usually dress very casually; shorts, 牛仔裤, t恤, 运动衫, and flip-flops are normal attire.

See a list of items that current students have suggested.

Because of the number of students living in a small area, 以及威尼斯人彩票直营试图维持正常存在的野生动物, students may not bring any pets to Rosario.

Rosario has a computer lab with full internet access during the summer. Buildings and most areas at Rosario have wireless internet capabilities.


Rosario does not provide daycare service. 所有儿童(18岁以下的任何人)必须在任何时候都有合法父母/监护人的直接和即时监督. 积极参与学术或研究活动的家长/监护人不构成适当的监督. 儿童不得在没有成人监督和适当教员许可的情况下进入任何学术/研究区域. 继续违反此政策的家长/监护人可能会被排除在罗萨里奥校园之外.